A diary blog, covering details of the initial planning for our Round The World motorcycle trip in 2008...
After the disappointment at hearing that Tracy's degree course had been extended, we've worked it through with the college and have re-set our departure date. It's a pity to have to do this as we both liked the tenuous link between our original date and the Long Way Round that inspired us in the first place, but hey-ho...
So, our new departure date is (drum roll, please)... Sunday 29th June 2008...
At least it gives us a further 8 weeks to save some more money (by working, sadly!), and some additional time to prepare ourselves. Unfortunately, it also means changing the European leg of our journey fairly extensively as we still need to leave Turkey for India in early August or we'll get so far behind in the Far East, Australia and NZ that we'll be travelling in bad weather the whole journey... So now we have just 5 weeks at the start to get from home to Turkey and prepare for the flight to India....
Other news... we've registered the website domain : JustOneMoreMile.com. It's amazing how difficult a decision that was, and it's been bubbling around for over a year now, with that name our front-runner all this time. I personally like it because it has 2 different interpretations depending on your current mood.... I like to think it means "Just one more mile, please" not "oh, god, not..."... only time will tell!!
Ok, that's it for now... if anyone is actually reading this diatribe, drop me a comment so I know!!
posted by DoctorZippy #