The Just One More Mile story of Paul's Trans Americas 2009 motorcycle expedition.
We had always planned to be in Antigua Guatemala today, but with the extra day on Monday as a result of the loss of the mountain road, it already feels like we've been here ages... but the town itself has another surprise for us, now that the Independence Day festivities are over, and the influx of people from all over has gone. It's now a very different town through which I wander after breakfast, all sleepy and with a distinctly relaxed atmosphere.
Even though I'm now familiar with the town's layout, I find new shops hidden away that before were lost behind the thronging masses. I bump into Ozzy Andy and he tells me of a market at the other end of town that I didn't know existed, so I saunter over, idly looking for a new pair of sandals (Teva-like) that I could walk in, to replace the crocs I have which, whilst really comfy, are not really suitable for lots of walking. I don't find any, but I do find a little artisan place with hand-crafted gifts that tempt me, but with space limited I restrict my shopping to a hand-painted fridge magnet and a better quality Guatemala sticker (I like this country so much that 2 stickers doesn't seem too many).
Eventually I feel I've exhausted the town (and myself) and wander back to the previous hotel to sit in the courtyard and use their wi-fi. Whilst sat updating the blog, a hummingbird appears and starts feeding from the plant opposite, and unlike the one in Copper Canyon, this one doesn't fly away at the first sight of a camera (although rather annoyingly, he did fly to the wrong side of the flower as I pressed the shutter)...
![Hummingbird... Hummingbird...](../images/TransAM2009/IMG_1683.jpg)
I then had a lovely chat to Tracy, glad she's got her skype working again so I can see her smile (whilst being away, I think that's what I miss most, more even than a good cup of tea...). Then it's out again for another wander round town, as I try to find a loose shirt that will keep me cool in the evenings, as I'm getting a bit tired of wearing the same sweaty tee-shirts and want something nice to wear. I find one in a big market hidden away in town, but plan on saving it until in La Esperanza, whilst sipping beer in the bar we drank in when I was last there in 2006 (more of that tomorrow). For dinner tonight, Al, Nick and I went to a place offering Thai food, and spent the last of our quetzals on fish-cakes, spring rolls, stir-fried beef in ginger and black been sauce and sweet and sour chicken. Not a patch on the food at home but palatable... then an early night as tomorrow is another border day...